Mileage Adjustment Specialists
We are based in leeds and cover all of the UK.
Car Mileage Adjustment
UK mileage correction is a mileage adjustment service based in UK and covers most areas. We specialise in mileage correction to adjust the miles to what you require, we have customers travel to us from all over the U.K. We can correct your mileage to what you require all you need to do is call or message us for more information.
Mileage Correction
Most vehicles with a digital mileage can be corrected, we can help, give us a call.
Car Mileage Correction in UK
Do you need to have your vehicle mileage adjusted in a secure, professional way? If so it’s really important that you use a professional to prevent any damage to your vehicle.
We use the very latest technology to reprogram your vehicle’s mileage reading to correct it to what it should be. We operate in all over the UK. Our service is swift, professional and affordable. We have decades of experience in the automotive industry and we’re yet to come across a vehicle we’re unable to work on.
Happy Clients
Years of Service
Mileage Correction - Digitally Done
Despite of the make and model of the car, the professional work is to be done no questions asked, trust is the main focus that we provide and ask for as well. Yet to encounter a vehicle which is unable to be fixed by the best in UK. Far ahead of the competition with satisfied clients from all over the UK.
Operating in UK with a network spreading across all states
Always available to provide the best with our mobile team if one is unable to come, fixing on a place of clients choosing and a time of his will. If not then, send the odometer to us. Fixing in a max of 24 hours and dispatching back to you with money back sureties from the time it arrives to us.
Manufacturers Supported
In simple terms mileage correction is resetting the mileage on a digital odometer to the correct reading when it has become corrupted for a variety of reasons. Advances in car technology have meant that most modern cars and other vehicles are now fitted with a digital dashboard which is cheaper to make and generally more reliable than a mechanical dashboard. As with all new technologies there are some problems with digital dashboards, and the potential for the odometer to become corrupt due to electrical pulses from the car’s electrical system is one of them. Mileage correction is the process of returning the mileage reading to its true value. It is also known as ‘mileage adjustment’ or ‘mileage recalibration’.
Of all the makes and models which have a digital odometer, we are 99% certain that we can get them corrected by diagnostics.
Of those which have analog meters, we are 100% certain we can correct them up, electrocution, jump starting the car or getting into an accident mostly requires meter correction services.
We offer a fast service
If you're looking for a fast and efficient way to alter your vehicle mileage, look no further!
EXCELLENT Based on 11 reviews.
Amelia Christhopher
This is the only mechanic shop I trust to work on my vehicles. They are very knowledgeable and they do great work. They always go above and beyond.
Richard Daniel
We are always able to schedule a convenient time and service is always prompt, honest, and priced well
Catalina Celeste
These guys are awesome they did a wonderful job on my car would recommend them for any of your car needs
Great people and really apprecate the High Tech services.
I am a new customer but his team have been prompt and superior in working with me
Great service was treated fairly and work was done in a timely manner...would recommend to others if you have a vehicle issue check engine light or even just an oil change don't be afraid to take your vehicle to Central Auto and Repair!
Silviaano Rooy
Very professional. Good solid workmanship. These guys are fair and honest and they know what they are doing.
Charles Thimothy
Great service was treated fairly and work was done in a timely manner...would recommend to others if you have a vehicle issue check engine light or even just an oil change don't be afraid to take your vehicle to Central Auto and Repair!
John James
Very professional. Good solid workmanship. These guys are fair and honest and they know what they are doing.
Simon john Jones
Great service helped me out right away! Would highly recommend and very knowledgeable team. Many thanks